KettlePizza - Oven inserts for Grills
Made in the USA

The consumer product review website has selected two KettlePizza kits as their top choices for home charcoal and gas pizza ovens. First place for Wood-Fired Pizza Oven was the KettlePizza Charcoal Kit with Weber Performer Charcoal grill. First place for a gas option went to the KettlePizza Gas Pro sitting atop a Char-Broil 4-burner gas unit.

“We are obviously very pleased to be selected as first place winners especially when we were compared with such exceptional products as Ooni and Roccbox.”, stated Al Contarino KettlePizza’s inventor. “It’s great to get the credit as we have worked very hard on producing hight quality American-Made pizza oven products.”

kplogo Selects KettlePizza Kits as Best In Class! 2

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